Smartphone, tablet of laptop Boefproof maken De meeste telefoons, smartphones en tablets kun je eenvoudig onbruikbaar maken voor dieven door de anti-diefstalfuncties te activeren via het instellingenmenu. Zet via instellingen de functie ‘zoek mijn telefoon of tablet’ of ‘vind mijn mobiel of tablet’ aan. Via de website van jouw merk of besturingssysteem kun je nu jouw […]
Is Your CEO On Social Media? If Not, Your Business May Be At Risk. Ryan ErskineContributor Forbes 60% of Fortune 500 CEOs aren’t active on social media at all. Roughly 60 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are not active on any social media channel and fewer than 12 percent are active on more than one channel. That’s […]
LinkedIn acquires employee engagement platform Glint LinkedIn, the social network for the working world with close to 600 million users and now under the wing of Microsoft, has announced an acquisition as it continues to work on expanding the ways that people already on the platform use it. It has acquired Glint, a startup that provides employment […]
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Unveils New Digital Strategy For Businesses: ‘Tech Intensity’ Nadella described tech intensity as a fusion of cultural mindset and business processes that rewards the development and propagation of digital capabilities that create end-to-end digital feedback loops, tear down data silos and unleash information flows to trigger insights and predictions, automated workflows […]
New LinkedIn Features in Office 365 Help You Build Relationships and Better Collaborate When I talk to people about what they love most about their jobs, the answer I hear most is that it’s the people; nothing is more important than working with people you know and appreciate. And when I ask what they […]
‘Over zeven jaar 52 procent van de banen in handen van robots’ Bron: NOS Nog zeven jaar en dan zullen robots meer taken uitvoeren dan mensen, voorspelt het World Economic Forum op basis van gesprekken met directeuren van aangesloten firma’s. In 2025 is volgens de organisatie 52 procent van al het werk in handen van […]